Springing into Color

I absolutely love this time of year.  Everything is so lush and green as it springs to life and awakens from winter’s sleep.  The tree leaves are finally starting to emerge from their buds, the birds have returned, the spring flowers have burst into bloom, and best of all, the mosquitoes have not yet hatched.

My main perennial garden is located in front of our home in full sun.   It looks like almost everything has survived the winter and is coming back strong.

Forget-me-nots and Johnny-jump-ups pop up everywhere in the spring.  They re-seed themselves and surprise me each spring by appearing in different areas of the garden.

I also have a small garden behind the house that is more shaded than the front garden.  The Bleeding Hearts in the back are in full bloom.

The Bleeding Heart is one of my favorite spring flowers because I find the intricate blossoms just stunning.

The daffodils are always a welcome sign of spring.  I need to plant more of these happy flowers.

And then the Tulips.  Need I say more?

Along with the lush green grass and beautiful spring blooms comes a lot of garden chores.  Weeding, mulching, feeding, dividing…so much to do.  Gardening in the spring is both overwhelming and exhilarating.

The growing season is just beginning and for a gardener, this time of year is filled with hope.  Hope that you will get everything done this year that you did not even come close to getting done last year.  Hope that your gardens will be spared from all disease and pest problems.  Hope that your gardens will meet the expectations that you have set for them in your winter daydreams.  And most importantly, hope that you will have the time to play in the garden until your heart’s content.

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  1. Beautiful flowers! Our daffadils (but we call them jonquils) down here in Georgia have already come and gone. I miss them already.

  2. Author

    I’m sure gardening in Georgia is WAY different than here in Minnesota! You have so many more options for trees, plants, flowers, etc. And you even have different names for the flowers…interesting. 🙂

  3. I love bleeding hearts too…ours are in full bloom right now under my Camilias tucked in with the Hosta!

    Your front garden is just beautiful!

  4. Author

    What zone are you gardening in? I’m not familiar with Camilias, so I looked them up and they are gorgeous! I doubt I can grow them here in zone 4.

  5. I love yours website! It reminds me
    Of when I was a kid! I love your farm and flowers! I miss having chickens!

    Thanks for sharing!

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