We have an adorable building here on the farm that sits right behind our house – a smokehouse that we built in 2009. Growing up, my family also had a smokehouse in our yard, not far outside the front door.  It was a small brick structure and the door hadContinue Reading

Time has gotten away from me and I have not posted anything for a while.  I had started this post shortly after my last post on the cold-smoked pork chops and am finally getting around to finishing it up. So, anyhow, along with those garlic sage pork chops that weContinue Reading

Cold temperatures and some much-needed spare time over the holidays provided the perfect opportunity to fire up the smokehouse and do some cold-smoking.  We decided to do some pork chops and turned to our favorite smoking resource for a brine recipe:  Charcuterie: The Craft of Salting, Smoking and Curing byContinue Reading

My husband and I have hung out for a long time:  we dated for 8 years and have been married for 20 years.  Early on in our relationship, he introduced me to his family’s mostly-annual tradition of making German sausage.  I do not remember the year I was first invited toContinue Reading

Prior to building our smokehouse last year, Jesse used a home-made barrel smoker and an electric smoker to do all of his food smoking.  These styles of smokers limited him to hot-smoking, which is a process that actually cooks the meat slowly while smoking it by keeping temperatures above 150 degrees F. Cold-Smoking Cold-smoking is an entirely differentContinue Reading